
1469 Butte House Rd., Suite B
Yuba City, CA 95993

Office: 530.790.0432
Fax: 530.790.0951


The Alan Larson & Associates Team includes:

Alan Larson
Alan Larson

Owner / Senior Safety Consultant

Alan Larson is a safety management consultant with over 30 years of professional experience in construction industry safety and risk management. He has worked on projects worldwide and has advised public and private companies as well as government agencies. Clients consist of private construction companies, brokerage and insurance firms, and utility companies.

Based in Northern California, Alan's company consists of three employed staff supplemented by serveral other safety, occupational health and ergonomic associates. The company serves clients regionally, nationally and internationally. Alan is a Certified Safety Professional and has a Masters Degree in Finance with a focus on Safety Management. He currently serves as the Treasurer of the Golden Gate Chapter of the National Safety Management Society.


Myron Brown
Myron Brown

Safety Consultant

Myron has worked in the health and safety field for over 15 years. He has broad safety and regulatory compliance knowledge and is an excellent communicator. As an instructor, his teaching methods are extremely effective and he engages the participants in such a way that they remember the principles of the training. Also, Myron can develop and maintain successful company safety programs by providing assessments of workplace hazards, written programs, and facilitating safety meetings so that they are action oriented. He has an ability to recognize workplace hazards that tend to blend-in to the untrained eye. He also takes the time to recognize the good work practices in order to reinforce the strengths of the company's safety program.

Myron has served in the capacity of working as a consultant and in-house safety director in both the manufacturing and construction environments.


Carol Keiser
Carol Keiser

Office Manager and Desktop Publisher

Carol Keiser had worked professionally as a desktop publisher since 2004 with Alan Larson & Associates. In 2007, the company launched a new division of the business: Desktop Publishing & Media Services. This division of AL&A designs and publishes print products, from manuals and instruction aides to brochures, business cards and forms. We pride ourselves in executing custom document needs with a high quality and a competitive cost. Carol's software experience includes:
   Adobe Products:    Microsoft Products:    Other Software:
  • InDesign (Print Design)
  • Acrobat (Print & Electronic Documents)
  • Illustrator
  • Dreamweaver (Web Design)
  • Photoshop
  • Premiere (Video Editing)
  • Flash (Animation)
  • Word
  • Excel
  • PowerPoint
  • Publisher
  • Access
  • Video Explosion
  • MindJet
  • MindMapper
  • Sanction II
  • Trial Director
  • MediaShout
  • More ...
Carol has a B.S. from William Jessup University and worked with Youth for more than a decade as well as in local school systems as a substitute teacher. She is experienced in curriculum development for technical training and instruction. Her expertise is in designing and and formatting complicated documents such as manuals, newsletters, forms and booklets.

Susie Cauchi

Administrative Assistant


Other Allied Professionals:


John Sacco


Industrial Hygiene Consultant




Robert Downey


Safety Consultant




Don Cunningham


Safety Consultant




Susan Tingley


Ergonomics Consultant















(c) 2009 Alan Larson & Associates
For more information we can be reached at 530.790.0432
or CLICK HERE to contact us via E-mail
